Money Back Guarantee


Refund policy allows our customers to request a refund in the cases described below:

If the customer’s request is not fulfilled, he/she can contact our customer support team to discuss their concern and we will consider their request.

Late delivery

In case of delayed submission, the customer is entitled to request for late delivery compensation, which is calculated on the basis of every case, depending on the time and days of deadline and delay. As compensation, we will provide discount offers to our students. It should be noted that majority of the delays are due to client’s untimely response to clear the specifications.


Bad quality work

  • If the customer is not satisfied with the final work and would like to get a refund, our Quality Assurance Team will conduct an investigation to see if your claims are right or otherwise. The customer must make detailed comments and provide valid proofs that indicate deviation in the instructions of the order. The decision on the customer’s claim is based on the results of the investigation.
  • If an invalid or inappropriate request has been submitted and the order has already been sent for review, the fee will not exceed 70% because the review request indicates that this customer has partially approved the document..
  • If a claim is related to poor quality of work, these cases cannot be considered valid. The document created by the company is for reference only and cannot be submitted.
  • If you indicate that the document submitted is not original, a report is required. The Quality Assurance Team cannot accept other reports that are investigated.
  • If a refund is requested for an order for editing, proofreading or editing, no investigation will be conducted if the poor quality claim is contextual. With the editing, proofreading and formatting services, you do not have to enter the original context.

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Team of Professionals. We’ve Got Your Back.


Order Process and Schedule

1. Contact consultant

Contact us for details and prices before purchase; fill out the order application form.

2. Matching writer

Match the writer with relevant academic background or experience based on the project and subject you choose.

3. Payment

Choose a service to determine the price of the order, pay part of the service fee in advance.

4. Delivery & Final Payment

According to the order policy, pay the final payment so our writer starts working and ensure timely delivery of your work.

5. No worries after delivery

After receiving the final document of your work, you will receive a free modification opportunity to send questions or comments to the consultant within 14 days of delivery.

Refund Procedure

If a refund is requested for an order for editing, proofreading or editing, no investigation will be conducted if the poor quality claim is contextual. With the editing, proofreading and formatting services, you do not have to enter the original context.
Our billing department team requires at least 5 days to review the revision request and will contact the customer when they find a solution via email or phone.
Our representative can request any additional information from the customer that is required to edit the work.

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